Ya know, getting past what I wanted for this weekend... It was really more what I needed... But instead my house is loud, and the door is constantly opening and closing with the arrival and departure of the next round of company. There is no quiet, there is no peace... There is no anything...
And then someone shows up who tries to take over EVERYTHING and it all has to be what HE is saying, what HE wants to talk about, what HE wants for dinner, what HE blah blah blah.. You get the picture. I'm so (#&*($(* tired of it! I love my family- I really do. But sometimes I feel like I am surrounded by the most selfish and inconsiderate people on earth. I work all day long, I come home I do homework. Sometimes I try to cook a meal and do a load of laundry and MAYBE just MAYBE I might get to do some LIGHT cleaning before I pass out. The weekends were my re-coop time and pretty much since I went back to work 2 weeks post op it's been non-stop running and racing on weekends too. Be it homework, shopping (needed shopping, not WANTED shopping), WLS seminar speaking, hanging out with this one or that one and laundry and all the housework I neglected during the week....
And then I have someone who I am REALLY REALLY close to and love spending time with and can't imagine my life without her- but she doesn't work and is so desperate to do stuff with someone on the weekends and I admit sometimes I'm afraid to say no because of past reactions when I have said no. I get responses like "Oh, but if it was so and so wanting to do blah blah you'd do it."
I just need a place to vent! And there isn't anyone to vent to. I have a paper due tomorrow night that I have to finish tonight because I have plans for something I WANT to do tomorrow night so I can't finish it after work. Scheduled dinner guests are set to arrive in an hour, and the unwanted controlling thinks he has control over everything because everyone always gives him his way ass hole just walked in with his wife and daughter. Now- I don't particularly care of his wife- but whatever I can handle it.. But I do really love his little girl- she is precious and I love playing with her. I just can't take the complete lack of respect/interest for the things I have to do...
I'm gonna have to start just staying late at the office to do homework. Lug the laptop with me and after hours when the phones get shut off it is quiet and I can focus on the things I need to do because it ain't happening at home.
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